NDL End of summer cookout
End of summer NDL dinner at The Eagle
2021 NDL retreat at Red River Gorge (Bad photo angle, but beautiful sunset and cool people)
Leading role in the advancement of wearable biosensing technology, and in understanding the fundamental physiology of insterstitial fluid, sweat, saliva, and tears. As a result, technologists are now better-informed on what analytes are worthy to pursue, and on how the human body may ultimately impact technology design more than the rapid advance of technology itself.
Leading role in applied electrowetting devices, and in the development of reliable electrowetting materials systems. Most recently, our work has included electrofluidics, which combines microfluidic confinement and Laplace pressure with electrowetting.
Leading role in electronic-paper technology (reflective displays). We are also one of very few research groups to have contributed to the science and technology of nearly all types of displays (transmissive, emissive, 3D, reflective, projection, transparent, flexible, nature/biological).